Philosophers' Cafe: Questions for Reflection
Definitions1. What is the nature of Love?
a. Is love a blind passionate impulse that is beyond reason?
b. Does love spring from subconscious instincts, such as a drive for species survival or Freudian conflicts?
c. Is unconditional forever-love possible?
Epistemology of Love
2. How do we know we are truly in love?
3. Can we trust our feelings of love?
Love, Lust & Sex (Erotic Love)
4. Suppose you have fallen in love with your friend. And now suppose you were offered the choice of two futures: Either you two cease to have sex but remain together seeking beauty, truth and God, or you lose all these and retain the wonders of sex? Which choice would you make?
5. Can we have sex without love? How is love related to sex?
a. What is the purpose of sex?

6. How is love related to friendship?
Politics of Love
7. What is the difference between heterosexual love and gay love?
8. Which mode of love is primary?